Monday, February 2, 2015

This thing called Love!

The game of love. 
The warmth of love. 
The violence of love. 
The periphery of love.
 The childhood love.
 The shade of love. 
The right kind of love. 
The wrong love. 
The hide and seek love. 
The little staring and sneaking love. 
The same street same passerby love. 
The holding hand love. 
The secret sharing love. 
The mother love.  
The Keaton-Soko love. 
The sympathy love. 
The compromise love. 
Love for a benefit. 
Just for you love. 
All for me love. 
The past love. 
The hopeful love. 
The distant love. 
The invisible love. 
The attractive love.
 The Instagram love.  
Love Love Love.

Which is your love?  Which is mine? What is love? And what is not love? 23 years of my life and this love thing still baffles me.  
But the thing about love is; No matter how much you are dragged down by what you thought was love, you still get up, grow strong, stronger, a bit cold-hearted but still strong hoping love will pass by and make a stop, at your front.
For those, who have fallen out of love, I have nothing for you but a warm embrace to tell you that love will show up. If not now, then soon.  There is someone out there wondering what it would be like to meet someone like you, wondering if you are wondering of that someone too.

Until then, accept love for what it is. Let it be bitter or the sweetest; for love has its way of giving you the love you deserve, not what you think you deserve. 

Until then,
Much love



  1. great blog!
    please visit my blog and id love to follow each other on GFC :)

  2. wow i love it.. lol instagram love
    nice blog, i am following you, please follow back.

  3. I like Ellie G's voice. It's unique and one can easily recognize it's her.

    xo Angelus,


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